The new custom lettering design.
Abu Ahmad Barbershop
The fourth project of Wajha initiative that provided FREE design services to create signage and directional graffiti for a barbershop in an authentic area in the city of Amman. The project was completed in collaboration with the traditional sign painter Abed Jokhi.

Outdoor Signage

The loose old sign of the barbershop.

Abu Ahmad, the owner, happy with his new redesign.

The second sign at the entrance of the stairs.

An outdoor poster which was inspired from the uncle Sam poster "I want you". It translates to: "I want you to shave".

The graffiti version of the outdoor poster.

The Sign Painter Abed Jokhi

Abed Jokhi at his workshop.

Directional Graffiti

Some of the multilingual Way-finding graffiti stencils that were sprayed in downtown, Alkalha stairs, and Alweibdeh, which lead to Abu Ahmad Barbershop.

THe mighty stencil.

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